Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I know the common phrase: Streams of Consciousness, but I think more in snippits and bits of thoughts, rather than streams (which makes me think yes, my thoughts are truncated bits and not flowing wisps of intellectual property).

Right now, these days, I think in frantic drips; I'm trying to catch them before they escape into the ether. The harder I try to harness them, to relish in their minute existence, they vanish....teasing me with a fragment left behind. A fragment of nothing, of something....inclusive of frustration.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Failed Dreams

We cut our love ones with words that sometimes live through generations. Our children become us and live our pain through no making of their own. We push our dreams, aspiration and hope through them without consultation with them of their own dreams. Only because we think we know what’s best for them. We continue to cut them by pushing our failed stale dreams through new fresh rivers that have channels of their own. Then we wonder why our offspring’s are confused and weary of life at such an early age. Think again, could it be our words of surgical cuts breeding a new generation of failed dreams.