Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fear of Clocks

Over the last few weeks. I have developed a strange (to me) fear of clocks. Time was always my friend. I always had time for what I wanted. I was young... I had time to waste.. Time to kill. I couldn't figure out why I felt like this. I couldn't figure out why I had dreams about hourglasses and sand slipping down through the hour glass. I figured out what the issue was... But that will follow in another post. In the past few weeks I have began to hate clocks, watches, alarms, the little ticker in the right hand corner of the tv when you watch CNN, and even the iced out timepieces made by Rolex and Jacob the Jeweler. (Yeh...even those!)
I wished clocks ticked in reverse and every line spoken in life could be rehearsed. But reality is they move forward and sometimes you have to speak without the opportunity to plan or say what you need to.
We live this thing called life not knowing what tomorrow may hold. We know what we did yesterday...we just hope that tomorrow can erase yesterdays mistakes. The unfairness of the situation lies in the fact that tomorrow is not promised and today will merely be a blur. We won't be able to live today until tomorrow comes ... Rewinding today's events wishing that we had gotten up earlier and did this.. Or took the time out the day to do that. Tomorrow after I have already sent this... I will think back and remember one more line that I should have wrote.
I wish clocks ticked in reverse and the sound wasn't tick tock but tock tick. I wish we could all live as Benjamin Button and age backwards. Worries first then ... Become children. Never Never Land was a great dream. All praises to Peter Pan! My Man!!! A rebel and American Gangster who challenged the normal thought process! To everyone who fears the tick tock.. May your clock tock tick today. I fear clocks.. Chronometrophobia. The fear of clocks! Blessings!

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